A year off and a lifetime ahead...

Monday, September 25, 2006

Why are my sprinkles moving?

So I've officially given up. Having been overdue for a post and having this one sitting in my "to post box" for nearly a month and working on a new one, I figured I'd just post this now and add the graphics and make it pretty later since blogger is being difficult.

So the sprinkles on my cupcakes were moving. OK, well at this point I realized they weren’t sprinkles but it was still an odd experience. The frosting of my beloved cupcakes seemed to be moving and writhing among themselves. It almost gave me the impression that the cupcakes were throbbing while chanting, “… eat me … eat me.” Then when I dismissed the silly notion that my cupcakes were communicating to me via quantum displacement, I realized that there was a single ant crawling away from my Vanilla Milk Chocolate cupcake and that the dozens of tiny moving sprinkles were in fact, an ant infestation.

Back track to my return mid summer from NYC and then a recent return from New Orleans to a home in disarray. Nobody particularly at fault beside being in a home on the third floor but still at ground level (ahh the hills … ) where ants have an easy entrance and trained nose for a single morsel of sugar. As a result Justin and I have TRIED to obliterate any form of sugar from our lives … ok well Justin is being better at it than I am but it’s still a goal. So yes, food that is ant accessible (and desirable) now must be stored away in the fridge or vac-u-sealed away in a cabinet somewhere. No more happiness, I’m stuck on the Kashi train now. Perhaps it’s for the best.

There are few major indulgences I allow myself in my life; Sprinkles of Beverly Hills is one of the ones I admit to without hesitation. While I treasure my trips to Billy’s in Chelsea or Magnolia’s in the Village; Sprinkles of Beverly Hills is, in my opinion, one of the tastiest treats in Los Angeles County and worth every calorie. And at $3.25 for each tiny little extravagance, they’re worth every penny as well … Ahhhhh shit. Going through the website looking for pictures I discovered that they delivered. What’s sad is that even at a $10 fee to be delivered the less than two miles away that I am, it’s worth it not to have to stand in line for 45 minutes in a line that usually goes out the door in the picture and curves across all the patio seating. Excuse me I have a call to make ….

Orgasms heard in the background … repetitively….
who said only women can have multiple orgasms …